Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What I've been up to.....

So, I haven't updated my blog in a long time. Part of this was the fault of the blogger website where I couldn't upload pictures, but here we are. The past few weeks (except last weekend - check out the post following this), I've done absolutely nothing.....except study, do school work, and go out for Halloween. I'm including some pictures from the Library and Halloween night.

School is going great, everything is starting to finish up and assignments/tests/exams are coming up very fast. I'm also getting excited to go to Pennsylvania for the American Thanksgiving.

Christian pushing Yael around on the wheely chairs

Me dressed up for Halloween

Me (Sorcerer) and Cornelius (Vampire) dressed up with the frisbee on Halloween

Katie C (Cleopatra) and Katie B (Maid)

Me studying at the library


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