Sunday, October 08, 2006

Aquarium Visit and International Dinner....

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving....I had a really fun weekend. On Saturday we decided to go to the Aquarium on the waterfront in Charleston. It was quite the adventure. The frog sculpture has his finger sticking out, so we decided to do the E.T. pose with our fingers touching . The guy at the Aquarium Information booth laughed at us, we took a bunch of pictures with the frog. The aquarium was a cool place where we spent the afternoon.There were lots of exhibits, some inside and some outside. A big thing in South Carolina is the protection of the Sea Turtles. We got to see all of the conservation efforts, and the Sea Turtle Hospital that you could watch live on a TV.
In the evening, we had an International Dinner where each country brough dishes from their home country. It was very interesting and a really good idea. It was really fun to see everyone and hang out. We Canadians baked a cake and cookies. The cake was the Canadian flag, and the cookies had things such as hockey sticks, the bluenose, Canada, and "eh?" on them. It was a good time. In the picture below is: (From left to right) Kevin (Germany), Thorsten (Germany), Diogo (in the back, Brazil), Cornelius (in the front, Germany), Christian (Germany), and me (Canada).
Here is a picture of one of the tables full of food. If you notice the picture, they made flags from each country and stuck it into the dish so everyone would know where it was from.
Here's a picture of out awesomely decorated cookies. They were a hit at the party, I didn't even get to eat one, they were all gone really fast.
Next Saturday we're planning on going to a plantation, Middleton Place.....


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