Sunday, August 27, 2006


It's my first full weekend here in Charleston and boy was it busy. It started off having class Friday morning (a first for me as business students in Canada don't have Friday classes), but was finished at 9:50am. Then the procession of homework followed. There were readings and other things that had to get done (such as take a picture of the rain and update my blog). But I got a lot done.

Friday evening we got a group of people together to go eat at the cafeteria. Our group seems to be about 10 people every night. Mainly Canadians and the Dutchies.

We then had our first international meeting of the year. It was in the Tate Center (Business Building). I have pictures of that building for a later post. After the meeting, we went for a party at the president of the International club's house. It was pretty fun to get to talk to everyone who I don't see daily. There is a large group of International students, about 70. It was a fun night all in all.....
Then Saturday morning stopped raining, the sun came out and was about 32 degrees celsius. It was a beautiful day to go to the beach. So about 45 or so International students filled a bus and went. We were at the Beach from 11am-3pm. The beaches here are awesome, the sand is nice and the water is warm.
Most know I don't enjoy going into the ocean, and never go in. But I tried it, and the waves were nice and big. The water was so warm, I didn't want to get out. It was a lot of fun. The International Director had Subway Subs, Cookies, Chips, Pop, Water, and other food for us for lunch.

I got burnt at the beach, the sun is very strong here. I borrowed Katie Cormier's sunscreen and put it on. I got her to put it on my back, but it was a spray sunscreen. I asked her to rub it in and she said it didn't need to be rubbed in......Needless to say, I have a burn on my back with a bunch of white circles from where the sunscreen got sprayed on....I'll know better for next time that it does need to get rubbed in. Other than that, the day was awesome. We then went back into Charleston and grabbed a snack at Einsteins Coffee and Bagel Shop (Where we can use the meal plan - Lots more selection than just the cafeteria), and cleaned up for supper where all of the International club went to a Mexican Restaurant, Casa Grande. It wasn't bad, the company was better than the food, but all in all a good time. We had a good time talking to everyone. It seems this has been an International weekend, we were the same group of 50-70 all weekend.
Today I have just been hanging out doing a paper and other homework. Going for supper in a short while. I will have more pictures for tomorrow from the beach and the restaurant. I haven't taken my camera too many places, so most of the pictures I have are from other peoples cameras. I'm going to have to start taking my own pictures. I'm out for now


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Graeme,
Looks like you are having an awesome time! Wish our nice weather would come back to PEI :( I miss you already. BB& just isn't the same...neither is HamsterWatch :P. I miss your daily emails!! Keep in touch, k? Loving the site. Keep me posted.

4:09 PM  

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