Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Church Bell

This is a church that is pretty much right beside the residence. It rings every hour on the hour starting at about 7 or 8am. It has woken me up everyday that I've been here, and can see it doing the same until I leave.

Charleston is a fun city to just walk around. The area where the College Campus is, most of the sidewalks are cobblestone/brick, and I've tripped on them a fair amount, they're not all even, so it makes it kind of difficult to walk. I will get some pictures of the sidewalk and post them later.

I started classes today. This morning I had International Marketing. Seems like a fun course. I have Financial Analysis and International Management this afternoon.

We're going to do some more exploring after class this afternoon, should be interesting. I'm waiting to get down to the waterfront - the Battery as they call it - and see the old old historic houses and the ocean. We were told that the water is very warm here, and the International Club is taking us to the beach this Saturday. Should be a good time. Anyways, I'm out for now, have to get ready for the next class.


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