Thursday, August 24, 2006

So the rain begins...

So, today was the first day of rain since i've been here. It's pretty much a Tropical Storm. I was soaking wet going from my residence to the bagel shop (about 20 feet away). The streets are flooded with water, the sidewalks are flooded, everyone has umbrellas. I also found out today, that one of my pairs of shorts turn see through when wet......(Note to self - Don't wear them in the rain).

I need some serious rain gear, my school bag got so wet that I had a NY Times in it, and it's mulch, my books were soaked, and so was everything inside. Apparently it rains like this three times a week. It's all dark and cloudy.

We had a fire drill in residence this morning at 6am, wasn't a fun way to start the day, I am really tired, and then had to sit in class for an hour and fifteen minutes soaking wet. I hope it doesn't rain as much as they say it's going to.

Schools been good so far, classes haven't been too bad, I went and got all my books yesterday at the bookstore. We've also been hanging around the other international students.
For those who don't know, to make these pictures larger, you can just click on them, shows more detail. You can notice in these two pictures, the sidewalks are all brick and cobblestone, it's really cool. So far everywhere in the city I've been is like this, some of the streets are brick as well.


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