Sunday, September 24, 2006


Birte trying to teach me how to dance to Traditional German music.

Steffi, Christian, and Thorsten eating German food.

The Desert Table
The German Oompa Band

This weekend was a lot of fun. On Friday, we went to a cultural event - Oktoberfest. It was a great time. We went with German people, there was a German Oompa band, traditional German food, and German dancing. The event took place at The Wild Dunes ( which was a really nice gated community/golf course/resort area. I wasn't prepared for how nice the event was going to be, I thought it was put on by the College of Charleston, but was actually open to the public. There were tables and tables of food, nicely decorated room, ice sculptures, and more. It was a lot of fun, especially because our German friends explained what each dish was, how it was made, and the significance of it. It was a great night, had a lot of fun with everyone and it was a good weekend.

Yesterday afternoon I decided to go study in Marion Square (a park a block away). I layed out in the sun, it was 31º. It was nice, so I went back today, 33º, but now I'm burnt on my back. I'm thinking about going again tomorrow, but will sit in the shade to study. It's still really hot and still beach weather. There's still not too much going on lately, just studying and going to class.

I'm still meeting a lot of people and having a great time. The weather has warmed back up and everything is great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time. I think you need to show that German dancing girl how to REALLY shake it G-Ram style. Frig you and your october tanning! Im jealous

5:22 AM  

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