Sunday, September 10, 2006

Another Weekend come and gone...

The International Office had planned a Harbor Cruise for the International Students. So on Friday evening, about 50 people borded a boat, and toured the Charleston Harbor. It was a tour type deal where one of the guys had a microphone and gave history notes, pointed out different buildings, and interesting things that happened. The city is full of history.
The first battle of the US Civil war was fought in the Charleston Harbor, Most of Downtown Charleston is man-made landfilled and was one of only 3 walled cities in North America.
We were on the boat for sunset and had really good weather for the tour. We went down to see the shrimping boats, the battery, the new $637 million bridge (picture above), Fort Sumter (where the first battle of the civil was), and along the docks.
It was a good chance to see the harbor and a different view of the city.

Not much has happened lately because I've been busy with school and was trying to catch up with sleep from last weekend.


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