Sunday, October 05, 2008

Thoughts on Seoul

My thoughts on Seoul? That this is going to be an exciting adventure and a fun filled time. Sitting here waiting for a delayed plane to take off at the Halifax airport gives me time to think about what is about to take place: moving to the other side of the world. After all the goodbyes are said and the hugs are given, reflection is now taking place on what is about to happen. This was obviously something that I have thought about before doing and I think that there is no better time to do it.

Choices are something we all make, and whether it's something small as ordering tea instead of coffee or something as big as moving around the world, there is something to be said for the ability for us to all make choices. To me this is going to be one full year of learning. Learning how other people live in a completely different culture, seeing how the live and interact in a language that is going to be completely unrecognizable as well as interesting in the fact as to how I am going to navigate a city when all characters for subway stops and street signs are foreign. This eye opening experience is going to prove to be one of the most interesting times in my life and I'm pretty excited.

This adventure will open up a new doors and a plethora of new episodes that I will be able to write about on my blog.
There will be pictures posted as soon as I can get them up.

Lets see if I feel this way in 26 hours when I'm disembarking a plane in South Korea.......


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