Tuesday, November 28, 2006

American Thanksgiving.....

For American Thanksgiving I went to go visit the Falzett's in Pennsylvania. It was a great week. I got to catch up on my sleep, enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving day (including watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, lots of delicious Turkey and even woke up at 5am to go see what "Black Friday" is all about). The week was very exciting. Tuesday, Frank picked me up at Newark Airport and we went into New York City for the day. We went to go see The Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall; went to the massive Apple and Sony stores; ate at the Trump Grille in the Trump Tower where I met Donald Trump's right hand man, George, from "The Apprentice"; and toured NBC Studios.

The rest of the week was spent in PA. I had a wonderful time staying with the Falzetts. I stayed in the apartment above their garage and it was great to have the space and time to study, relax, and sleep. It was also a great change from eating at Craig Cafe. Thanksgiving was great. I got to see and visit with Brande's sister and her husband, mother, and father. All in all it was a great week to relax and prepare for final exams.

Monday, I took a bus back to NYC early and walked around, took a sightseeing bus around downtown. It was a good way to see a lot of the downtown area in a short period of time.

So.....after finally going to visit NYC, I need to circulate my resume and find a job there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pictures are awesome Graeme! I'm glad you're getting to see lots of things! Hope you are ok and having a good time on your new adventure. Be safe, miss you alot.

2:58 AM  

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