Sunday, October 05, 2008

Tales of Airport Security.....

When Airport Security asks you to empty your pockets, take off your belt and shoes, and remove your laptop from your bag, this does not mean "Walk through the metal detector, THEN do all of the above." Whilst going through security at the Halifax Airport, my line was extended by precious minutes because a gentleman about 10 people in front of me walked through the metal detector with his shoes on, a pocket full of change, his belt on, AND and the proceeded to pull an iPod from his pocket. Note to him: You are OBVIOUSLY going to make the alarm go off, no? Since you've seem to never have flown before, please read the above rules and regulations, or just follow the 18 people telling you what to do, it will make things a lot easier, for you and for everyone else.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha!! That is soooooo true!! They need to put out a book on this or something!! :) I've seen this sooooo many times!

4:44 PM  

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