Monday, October 06, 2008

Dulles-Tokyo Run

Sitting here in the Tokyo Airport after a painful 13.5 hour flight, my body is beginning to stretch back out and not be cramped. My back feels like it's in shambles and my legs like they were in a trash compactor. I've been up for the past 22 hours and haven't had any sleep. Positive point to the flight: Plenty of Green Tea. It's also interesting to note that during my travels on the way here, it will be approximately 30 hours before I see any darkness as the whole way here was sun (because of the time changes). It's a very interesting place, and so far (inside the airport) everything has been marked - thankfully - in English as well as Japanese.

It was an agonizing 13.5 hours as the movies playing weren't great, the man next to me didn't speak any English, and I was squished in by the window. I was ready for the flight to be over about 4 hours in. It was also an interesting route that was taken, from Washington DC up through the Toronto area, across the prairies and up through Yukon and Alaska and back down to Tokyo. There was a map that could be watched of where the plane was in flight.

I've also been lucky that all my luggage has went right through from Halifax to Seoul without any hassle of rechecking or going through any customs at all (other then when departing Canada in Halifax). The process has been very easy. For the last flight I am going to TRY again to get some sleep so that I'm not completely exhausted getting into Seoul. I doubt it will happen. Maybe I'll just go for a coffee instead.

I'm going to be embarking on my last flight of the day to land at Incheon Airport in Seoul. The last leg of the journey is a 2.5 hour flight, hopefully not as cramped as the Washington Dulles to Tokyo flight. I think I am in need of a masseuse.....


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