Wednesday, October 15, 2008

River Trekking and Buddhist Temple Stay......

This weekend was very fun, we went river trekking and also spent it at a Buddhist Temple in the Gangwon-do province in Korea. We went to the Bubheungsa Temple which is 1400 years old. It was very interesting and beautiful in the midst of the mountains. The days were packed with lots of fun.

As the weekend begins, I made my way from the Gwacheon Government Complex (where I live) to the Ssangmun station where Katie and Kim live. From there we went to a really cool Korean BBQ restaurant where there was a giant hole in the table. After ordering our beef, they put hot coals into the middle of the table and a metal covering where we were able to cook our own meat. It was very good. The meal also included many side dishes and I was accompanied by Kim, Katie, Jerick, Annette (two of the foreign teachers at Kim and Katie's school) and some Korean teachers from the school also. In total there were 10. It was very fun.

The next morning we woke up early, met everyone and proceeded to go to the Hongik University Subway station where we were meeting the Travel Company ( and we boarded the bus. From here we went to go river trekking (some pictures below), and a little hike. It was beautiful, peaceful, and serene.

After the trekking we moved on to go to the Buddhist Temple where we were greeted by monks and others. We were given Buddhist clothing and we changed for the weekend. We then proceeded to do a walking meditation through the woods. This was very calm and relaxing as well as gave us the ability to take in all of the nature and be aware of our surroundings. We then came to an opening where there was a breathtaking view of a mountain (again, pictures below).

From there we ate dinner, vegetarian, as Buddhists do. And then proceeded to an Evening service where we participated in the reading daily bow and the Prajna Paramita Sutra. After that we had a Tea Drinking Ceremony with a dialogue with Sunim (Monk) on Dreams. They introduced Buddha's blessing power on the subject of Jeokmyulbogung's spiritual power which enshrined Buddha's ashes. We then reflectd on our past, current, and future life while giving inspiration power and confidence to our lives. We then made a dream pouch where we inserted our dreams and used it for the rest of the weekend.

In the evening we went to the upper Temple and completed 108 bows to realize our dreams while clearing our minds and concentrating on finding ourselves. It was the bed time where the men went to one room and slept on the floor and the women did the same.

Wake up: 4:00am.
Yes folks, you read correctly. 4:00am. And, for many of you who might not believe me, I did wake up at that time. Yes, a little ruffled and cranky, but I was up! It wasn't long, however, until I was un-cranky when we had the morning service at Jeokmyulbogung. There we had the prayers and service as well as had Sunim teach us how to meditate properly. And it was time for the Sitting meditation where we whole-heartedly concentrated on our one wish or having a clear mind.

It was very interesting to have a proper Monks meal, this traditional meal usually takes Monks over an hour to complete and consists of 4 bowls, napkins, chopsticks, and a spoon. The bowls are cleaned, the meal is prepared and ready, the food is eaten, the bowls are cleaned and all in a ritualistic fashion and manner. Everything has a way to be done and followed.

We then had fun activities after this. We made lotus lanterns (again, see photos below) and I now have mine in my apartment (Kim pestered the monks till they let her make 2.......I blame it on the lack of scrapbooking and her need to release her inner creative self), and then we beaded monks prayer beads. 108 beads in total. I, obviously, forgot mine (I don't know how) at the Temple, so am without. But, there could be another Temple stay somewhere else before the year is up, you never know!

We had closing ceremonies, a group photo, and headed back on the bus.....more towards civilization, but less towards inner peace. My weekend at the Buddhist Temple was very eye opening and I feel I learned a lot, not only about another religion and another culture, but more about myself. The weekend gave time to think, relax, and concentrate on what was really important and to set goals and dreams that are completely attainable. And that dream pouch I talked about above. I hope my dream does come true.

The weekend was really one to write about, it was a great way to spend my first Saturday and Sunday in Korea and I'm pleased to a tea the fact that I signed up and went. It was a very fun experience and a good way to introduce the culture of Korea.

My eyes are open, my mind is open and I'm ready for adventure, if this is only the beginning of my year, I can't wait for the rest!!!!!!

Stay tuned for next week. I'll be visiting the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)!


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