Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jongmyo Royal Shrine

Jongmyo Royal Shrine
Jongmyo Royal Shrine is a place of worship for the kings of the Joseon Dynasty. The Royal Shrine was built by King Lee Sung-Gye, the first in that royal line in 1394. It is now designated a UNESCO World Heritage site and there is an annual ceremony that is held here every year in May to honor the dead monarchs and is considered the oldest complete ceremony in the world. The music played at the ceremony is over 600 years old. There are several buildings on site, including The Main Hall, The Hall of Eternal Peace, and other facilities. The site and buildings contain the memorial tablets of 19 Kings and 30 Queens in 19 Spirit Chambers.

The Shrine was really cool, not only is it all of the things above, but the Main Hall is the longest free standing structure in Korea! It was really cool to go see the architecture, and it was a beautiful day. We took a lot of photos and got to see some really cool heritage stuff. The history in the area was really interesting.

We went here on Sunday afternoon. It was a gorgeous day as we entered the Shrine. There are a multitude of buildings that comprise the Shrinal area. When we got to the Main Hall, Katie Cormier decided to take a picture of the birds, but in doing so she ended up chasing them across the front area of the Hall (picture below). Kim and I studied the architecture of the building.

Upon leaving the Shrine, we continued to walk around the area where the Shrine was. We were walking down the street when we came upon 500 police officers in riot gear and shields. It was very interesting. They were just standing there. We wondered why, and contemplated going further. After going further, and then turning around and saying "well, I mean, they're just standing there, maybe they're filming a movie" we continued to go to the market area. When we left the market area we noticed there was a huge HUGE protest going on in the streets. Not knowing Korea, we didn't know what they were protesting. We started heading for the subway when we noticed there were flags of Che Guevera in the crowd of people. Katie and Kim felt scared, once we were in the Subway, we went a few stops and got off and ate a a place called Kraze Burger. It was delicious, except the price of a drink was the price of large french fries. But it was worth it. The day concluded back at home all in one peace, exploring more of Seoul and filled with excitement and fun.

Blog post finished!

Next Blog Post: Autumn Foliage Trekking from November 1 and 2.
Should be interesting and full of stories!!!!


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