Thursday, October 30, 2008

Caving and Ferry Riding

This was a very adventurous and cultural weekend.
It all starts on Saturday when we went on another Adventure Korea trip, this time: Autumn Foliage Caving and Ferry Riding. The fun Saturday starts at 6 am with a wake up and breakfast and then off to the 'Express Bus Terminal' to meet our bus. The bus ride to the Ferry Ride was a lengthy one, but very fun. Once getting to the lake for the Ferry Ride (which is very popular on this man made lake), we boarded and began to enjoy the beautiful scenery. They took us to the Chungcheong-Do area of Korea.

The lake is Lake Chungju and it is an artificial lake created by the Chungju Dam in the mid-1980's. It's considered the best lakeside resort area in the country and we were on the most popular Ferry route: Chungjunaru course. The mountains were beautiful and nice, with the changing leaves. It made for an excellent 2 hours and 10 minutes.

We met up with two Korean men who spoke English and they asked if we wanted to share their Chicken lunch that they brought on board the Ferry. We said sure, that would be great, so they brought it over and we all had a Korean style lunch on the floor of the upper deck of the ferry. It was a great morning, the sun was shining, the trees were changing, and we were meeting new people. They work for GE (which is now a Korean company as GE sold the assets from what I could gather).

We went caving at Gosu Cave, which is a huge limestone cave and the most famous in the area. It is 1,300 m cave was really fun to walk through and go exploring. It was all on a pathway of stairways and such, but was interesting to go see. There are about 120 different stalactites and stalagmites in the cave.

We then proceeded to go to "Dodam Sambong" which is an island in the NamHan river and it has three peaks. They were described to us as "Three funny shaped rocks" by the tour guide, which was amusing. It was a nice little climb to a viewpoint and then again to the Stone Gate which created wonderful views of the river.

Saturday when getting home we decided to venture to Itaewon, which is one of the communities in which there are many Westerners. The community was created as it is around the American Army base and in the centre of Seoul. It sprawled from there and is known as one of the places to 'Go out on the town' in the city. This was my first time in Itaewon and it proved to be a very successful evening. Getting everyone to meet up (Me, Kim, Joey went to meet Annette, Jerick, and Katie Cormier) who came from the other direction on the subway line. It was an interesting night, but we weren't out too late, because we got up the next day to go sightseeing!!!

In my next blog article: Jongmyo Shrine.


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