Saturday, January 20, 2007


So, I made it to Dublin safely, had one week of work, and moved into my new apartment. It's a great city with a lot to do all the time. I haven't taken a lot of pictures, but have posted some down below.

The first few days were stressful, as I got off an overnight flight, was exhausted and jet lagged, and had to start looking for an apartment. I searched the internet and went to go look at about 10. I got to choose between 3 and think that I picked the right one. The only downfall was that I didn't get to move in till the 18th of January, so had to live in the hostel (Jacobs Inn on Talbot Place) right around the corner from my work. It was nice, but I found it hard to get up get dressed for work (shirt, tie, etc), and then head off as all my stuff was in lockers in my luggage.

My apartment is about a 25-30 minute walk away from work and is really nice along the Liffy River. I live with guys from Brazil and Peru. It is in a good location with lots of things to do around it (including a supermarket downstairs, a video rental place across the street, a restaurant on the first floor, and more).

I started at work on Monday the 15th. I'm working in the AIB International Centre in Dublins International Financial Services Centre on the water across from the Customs House in Dublin 1. The work is really interesting, although there is a learning curve. I am going to start doing the processes this Monday (the 22nd), and will hopefully have everything under control by Friday. The people are nice and teaching me a lot about the job. It's really interesting and pertinent to what I'm studying.

The city itself is a lot of fun, and I spent last weekend walking around a lot of it, getting lost, and having fun. I met a couple other Canadians that came over with the SWAP program. We got together and have hung out on my spare time. Some are going to Galway, and there's the odd person staying in Galway.

I've learned that Dublin is separated into Postal zones, the city centre being Dublin 1, 2, 4, 7. The odd numbers are above the river, and the even numbers are below the river. I live in Dublin 7 which is to the left of Dublin 1, and is, as I said, about a 25-30 minute walk, or approximately 5 minutes taking the LUAS (train system in Dublin), which I can get 30 seconds outside of my apartment building, and it drops me off right in front of my work building. It's very convenient.

Custom House with the AIB Centre in the background over the left of the dome

The River Liffy that runs through Dublin

River again, in the background on the left is the Custom House/IFSC

Christ Church in Dublin 2